The following privacy policy applies to the website and should be read in conjunction with the general Terms and Conditions of Use .
By viewing and using the Website you will be deemed to agree to this Privacy Policy.
If you do not agree with our Privacy Policy, then you must resist from using or accessing this Website.
Collection of Information may gather the following information about you
1. Personal information, provided by you at the time of registration for the services offered by;
2. Accumulative information generated by our systems, which track traffic to the Website, as well as your shopping habits.
3. We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with 3rd parties 
Failure to provide necessary personal information when registering or when requested may result in your order not being processed or certain services not being available to you. may collect additional information from you in relation to promotions, and also any information you provide when corresponding with
Disclosure of Information
We will treat all your Personal Information as confidential. We will keep it on a secure server and we will fully comply with all applicable Data Protection and consumer legislation from time to time in place. We will never give, sell, transfer, or release your Personal Information to any third party.
We are committed to maintaining the privacy of our customer’s information. You agree that you do not object to us contacting you for any purpose whether by telephone, e-mail or in writing and you confirm that you do not and will not consider this as being a breach of any of your rights.
When entering any of our contests or prize draws, you provide your name, email address and mailing address. If you win, we will send the prize to the address entered and notify you by email. When you enter a contest or prize draw, you are also included in our newsletter list to receive notice of promotions, specials and new additions to the Website.
We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with 3rd parties
Opting In or Out

You may opt out or unsubscribe from our mailing or news list by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email received from us.

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer and are commonly used on the internet. They allow us to make our website more useful based on stored information about your preferences when you visit us. We do not store cookies beyond such interaction. If you choose to, you can set your web browser to reject cookies from our service, although you may not be able to experience the full service we provide if cookies are disabled.
IP addresses

Your IP address is a series of numbers which identify a computer on the internet. We use IP addresses to help diagnose possible service interruptions and administer our service and website.
We also use your IP address to block computer and accounts of members suspicion of fraud or any other form of illegal activities.
Protecting your personal information

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your information is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We use the industry standard secure sockets layer (SSL) 128-bit encryption technology to ensure that all your personal and transactional information is encrypted before transmission. All this technology and our policies are to safeguard your privacy from unauthorised access/improper use and we will continue to update these measures as new technology becomes available.
Third party site security
We use links on our website that lead you to external websites (including when you link through to purchase), we will have no control over the way your information will be processed. As other websites may handle your information in a different way, we recommend that you check the privacy policies of each website that you visit.

In order to provide you with maximum protection, we ask you to choose a password to access your data on our website. Your password is unique to you and helps us to protect your personal information. You must keep this password safe and must not disclose it to anyone. You will need your password to access your personal information and potentially to use our services. Please visit our website if you want to change your password for any reason.
If you forget your password don’t panic! Simply click on “forgotten password”.
Amendments reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and without providing you with notice of such changes. You agree that your continued use of the Website constitutes your acceptance of the modified Privacy Policy, and you agree that all previous versions of the Privacy Policy are superseded by the modified version.